Hi, I’m Sara, and I sculpt wool through the art of Needle-felt. Needle-felting has been around for many years but became a craft in the early 80’s. It’s a fantastic craft, using wool, animal fur, or synthetic or plant-based fibres to sculpt into hard shapes.
What inspires me? I love mice and rats and I adore miniature things, by combining the two I have envisioned my little creations in a world, living under the floorboard or in the local woodlands stealing things from my world to create their homes and enabling them to have careers, hobbies, enjoy sports, cooking etc.
This little world in my imagination enables me to keep creating unique and new characters and for buyers to keep adding to their collections.
I don’t just make mice, I love creating most woodland animals who equally get my imagination fired up, to delight and make people chuckle or smile.