We’ve been in our new location now for over eight weeks and I’m so pleased to say that we absolutely love it here. It’s a fabulous happy space!
Obviously being right in the centre of town there are more people passing, far more chatting going on and some people pop in several times during their stay to see the new pieces that arrive.
Our windows in the Market Place get lots of attention and in quieter moments I love to watch the reactions to the art displayed.
Looking back through the windows I can see faces light up and without being able to hear, see the conversations the art inspires. I watch the pointing and desires, the laughter at nude bods or at the comic ceramic budgies. I see cooing and loving of felt mice, and the disbelief that crosses a face as they realise the amount of work that has gone into a painting with micro brushes strokes or mini stitches.
So no matter how the art is created, thrown, blown, carved, weaved or painted, it sparks interest, joy, and conversation. We count ourselves very lucky to be able to watch, to talk about, and share art from this tiny corner of the world with all of you.
Anna x